ok arahan yer ialah....
Remove 1 question from below and add in personel question, make it total of 20..
1. if u could spend RM1 in 5 minute,what would u spend on?
simpan jer...xyah nak belanja apa2...
2. what is most favourite thing to do?
baca buku...tgk resepi baru tapi buat lom tentu...sebab bahan2 xde...kumpul2 resepi jer...
3. what kinds of news u read?
apa2 ajer...semua boleh...dah nama pon news.mestilah nak tau semua..
4. what r u doing rite now?
tengah menaip jwpn bagi soklan yang apa2 jer ni...
5. is there someone in ur heart rite now?
ade2...mestilah suami tersayang fillah...
6. do u believe u can survive without money?
herm...xcaya jugak..sebab semua tu keperluan walaupun bersifat duniawi...tapi itu hakikat...cume penggunaannya tu kene betul...
7. do u know ur BMI??
erm..tak ingat...tapi mmg dpt rasa berapa...huk..huk..huk..
8. what do u feel doing rite now?
rasa cam nak cubit2 jer pipi miss farha tu...geram sgt...
9. if there's someone who u love, do u confess him/her?
10. list out 3 good points of the person who tagged u?
1- kawan...kenal dr zaman sekolah menengah lagi...
2- baik jugaklah budak yer...( pahha mu jgn nak kembang2 yer )...
3- xkedekut ilmu...
11. what is the thing that make u thing she is kind?
sebab dah kenal hati budi dialah....
12. what is the thing that make u think she is bad?
xde kot...
13. are u left-handed or right-handed?
tgn kanan...
14. if u had to eat something in rest of ur life, what would it be?
daging salai goreng berlada + sayur pucuk manis masak lemak....- masakan ibu tersayang.
15. if u had to choice to be rich or happy, which would u choose?
hidup dlm kegembiraan biar pon miskin harta...tapi kaya dgn akhlak..kasih syg...etc. hati tenang...buat apapun rasa senang...
16. if u have a chance, which part of ur character u would like to change?
entahlah ekss...nnt jap tanya hubby...tp kite sentiasa berpeluang utk m'gubah diri kite...cume nak dgn xnak jer...
17. who is the people u can share ur problem wit?
my luvly husband, kakak2 saya ( kakak angkat boleh,kakak seibu sebapa boleh,kakak ipar pon boleh ) mak saya n mak mertua...herm tgk jugak mslhnya apa...tapi yang lebih baik dan yang terbaik....Allah Subhanahu wa taala...
18. makan or tdo??
dua2 penting utk kesihatan...tapi biarlah berpada...amalkan gaya hidup sht..hehe
19. what is the one thing u love about urself..
terima diri seadanya....
20. kalam terakhir dari kamu?
ok...saya dah jwb tag dr miss farha...hope puas ati yer...
sirru 'ala barakatillah
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